YDL Match 1

Kilmarnock Harriers got of to a great start today in their first season going it alone, the club had decided to compete just as Kilmarnock Harriers after Ayr Seaforth left the Ayrshire Harriers team last season.  Previous years we have been competing as Ayrshire Harriers along with Ayr Seaforth, North Ayrshire and Beith in Central Division 1.

Deciding to go alone, this came with the penalty of having to apply to enter into Division 2.  With the thanks of Donald McIntosh and Suzanne Sharp doing a great job with the paper match, we got in.

I’m happy to say that the U13/15 Boys and Girls finished top of the table today and U17’s Men and Women finishing 4th.

Next YDL will be at Grangemouth on the 22nd of May.

A big thank you to all athletes who competed today and also to the parent helpers and officials, who without their help days like these would not happen.


