The club will be hosting a Leading Athletics workshop on Friday 27th April, between 6.30 and 9.30pm, at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena.
This workshop is a three hour introduction to leading for anyone who is interested in becoming a coach within the club. There is no cost to the individual, the club is covering all costs.
The course is largely practical with only the first 30 minutes of classroom discussions. All participants will receive a free app. or workbook for use on the course. The app can then be used to deliver warm up or cool down activities to the young athletes in the club.
Leading Athletics is a sub-Level 1 awards and allows all participants to deliver sessions from a set of task cards. The course was designed as a bolt on for anyone interested in coaching or any young person completing a Sports Leaders Award in school. The minimum age for the course is 14 years, but we would only allow young people to take the course, if they are going to be deployed in a leadership role at the club or within the East Ayrshire Run, Jump and Throw programme.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please speak to Jim Goldie on a club night or email , expressing an interest. Jim will need all names at least ten days before the course date. The maximum number is 24 participants. Priority will be given to any person currently helping supervise sessions at the club.