Winter Champs 2019-2020 Winners Announced!!!

Hope everyone is still doing well and through social media it is good to see so many Harriers keeping up with their training.

A bit later than normal, but we can finally announce the winners of the winter championships 2019 – 2020!!

Winners are as follows:


  • 1st – Craig Ferguson
  • 2nd – Jamie Nix
  • 3rd – Murray McDonald
  • 1st Vet – Robert Lindsay


  • 1st – Kirsty Alexander
  • 2nd – Kirsty McNulty
  • 3rd – Laura Haggarty
  • 1st Vet – Paula Wilson

Congratulations to all winners and well done to everyone that raced in the winter championships. Great performances all round on tough courses and in tough, true winter conditions.

For anyone looking for any further motivation for training during these difficult times, don’t forget there’s the Roon The Toon virtual 5k. This can still be entered for the months of May and June, full details on our own website. Scottish Athletics are also running various virtual events. Check out Scottish Athletics Website Events Page for details on those. Also club coach Stewart McAllister has set up a virtual 10k race to fundraise for Ayrshire and Arran Healthboard. For info on taking part in that check it out here. Keep running and keep smiling 🙂

Club Captains
