Winter Championship Races

With only one race left in the summer championships it must mean that winter season is coming. The list of winter race dates have been updated on the website and can be found here.

Marathon times for summer champs will be added in at the end of October, so if anyone has a marathon time to be added then please notify Amanda or Robert.

The first race for the season is the George Cummings Road Relays in Houston on Saturday 5th October at 14.30.  Women are a team of 3 and men team of 4 with everyone running the distance of 2.7 miles. You do not need to be Scottish Athletics Registered for this race so looking for a good representation for Killie. This is a good club day out and team event. If you would like to race then please give your name to Amanda Bryden and Robert Lindsay.

If you are Scottish Athletics registered please ensure you are up to date and for those that aren’t and are interested in running cross country this season then you will need to be registered to enter races. It is only £21 per year with many benefits. Further info can be found on the Scottish Athletics Website.


Other Races that may be of interest:

SVHC Open Masters Road Relays – January 2020 (TBC) – Strathclyde Park

Masters Cross Country Championships – Saturday 8th February – Johnstone

50th Anniversary Alan Scally 4 x 5km Road Relays – Saturday 29th February – Glasgow Green


