Winter Championship 2018-19 Update – National XC Relays (27/10/2018) and Ruby’s 5k Race (28/10/2018)

It was an eventful weekend for the Harriers with no less than two Winter Championship races taking place.  First up was the National Cross-Country Relays held in Cumbernauld on Saturday 27/10/2018 in what were unusually sunny and dry weather conditions for the time of year.  Those looking for something a bit muddier were to be sorely disappointed!

There were eleven representing the seniors at the event for the Harriers.  Kirsty Alexander, Paula Wilson and Amanda Bryden ran a combined 54:47 although unfortunately they were one person short to qualify for full team.  For the full senior women’s results please click here.

There were two men’s teams entered.  The first team consisted of Connell Drummond, Jamie Nix, Murray McDonald and Scott Lyden with a combined time of 1:02:03 and a finishing place of 89th overall.  The second team consisted of David Anderson, Stewart McAllister, Douglas Dickson and Kevin Beck with a combined time of 1:12:59 and a finishing place of 116th.  For the full senior men’s results please click here.

Well done to all seniors and juniors who took part in the race that day.

The next Winter Championship race took place in the form of Ruby’s 5k on Sunday 28/10/2018 and again the runners were in luck with another beautiful weather day for the Killieween Festival.  In all there were thirteen senior Harriers there taking part in this race and some very respectable performances.  The finishing positions of the senior Harriers are as follows:

Position Time Runner M/F Cat
2 17:26 Robert Lindsay M Sen
7 18:27 John Speirs M V40
8 18:46 Steven Robson M Sen
11 19:40 Ken Monaghan M V40
13 19:44 David Anderson M V40
17 20:14 Kirsty Alexander F V40
19 20:41 Claire Orr F U20
20 21:03 Stewart McAllister M Sen
21 21:03 Murray McDonald M Sen
25 22:02 Ronnie Dalziel M V50
28 22:15 Jennifer Beattie F Sen
31 22:41 Paula Wilson F V50
42 25:54 Laura Nicolson F Sen
45 27:01 Sandra Dickson F V50


Well done to everyone who took part in this event and in all the other events that formed part of the Killieween Festival.  The full results of Ruby’s 5k can be found here.

In terms of the championship tables, Kirsty Alexander, Paula Wilson and Jennifer Beattie are currently in first, second and third spot in the women’s table and Stewart McAllister, Murray McDonald and John Speirs occupy first, second and third spots in the men’s table.  Both tables can be found below:

Winter Championship 2018-19 (Women)

Winter Championship 2018-19 (Men)

The next race in the Winter Championship is the National Short Course Cross-Country in Lanark on Saturday 10/11/2018.  The deadline for entries has now passed so no more people can take part unfortunately.  However, following this there are the Ayrshire Cross-Country Championships taking place in Kilmarnock on Saturday 17/11/2018 and I strongly encourage everyone to come and take part.  Both because it is on home turf plus for those who have not done cross-country it is a great way to try it for the first time.  They do say that cross-country can help improve road running times so please do give it a try.

Following on from the that race there is the West District Cross-Country Championships (which is again in Kilmarnock) and is being held on Saturday 08/12/2018.  Please keep your eye on the Kilmarnock Harriers Facebook group page as Amanda Bryden and Stuart Nibloe will post details requesting entries for this at some point in the very near future.  The West District races also require Scottish Athletics membership so if not signed up then please do so by clicking here.  It costs £20 for a year’s membership but it pays for itself as it enables a £2 discount in several Scottish based races (certainly a lot of the Championship ones).

If you have any questions about the Winter Championships or Cross-Country in general then please contact either the female or male team captains using the email addresses below:

Women (Amanda Bryden):

Men (Stuart Nibloe):
