What’s going on ………..

Want to know what we are working on to “Make the Harriers Great”?

Trustees and committee members met via Zoom recently to discuss items on the Club development plan.  We thought we’d share some of these items with you to let you know what is going on in the background at the Club.  The development plan is something the Trustees have run with for some time and the activities are at varying stages of progress, and some new ideas were added at our call. The full development plan is attached if you want to get into the detail but if you want a quick read we’ve called out the highlights in this article.

If you feel you can assist with any of the following items please feel free to contact us.  There’s no need to join the committee, or attend meetings but the Club can certainly benefit from all the talents of its members and friends.  If you’ve got talents in promotion, finance, welfare, website support or simply getting stuck in and getting things done we can deliver and progress more and more quickly.

  • Membership – how do we attract and encourage new members? Member retention – introduce surveys for members to identify their reasons for joining or leaving the club, what we do well or could do better? Develop and introduce a periodic member survey.
  • Competition – how do we encourage greater participation in competitions and events? What is the level of interest in holding competitions and events within the Club? What is the appetite for holding or participating in virtual events?
  • Volunteers and helpers (incl Coaches & Officials) – identify the roles and activities we need volunteers for, and when required. How and where do we recruit new volunteers from? How do we recognise and reward volunteers?
  • Coaching – Demand to join the club remains high. Additional volunteers are needed to coach or be parent helpers on most evenings, but especially Tuesday &/or Thursday.
  • Senior structure – we’re currently supporting 10 members to go through jog leader program. Following this we’ll create a club jogging group to support new senior member recruitment. Scheduled for delivery in early 2021.
  • Young Athlete Coaching Academy – There’s an initiative underway to provide a structured program to develop the coaching skills and athletics education of some of our younger members.
  • Young Athlete Forum – can we establish a representative forum from young athletes in the Club to collect their views and have their voice heard? Increase the voice of young athletes at Club committee and trustee meetings.
  • Welfare – we want to review Club welfare policies to ensure they’re up to date and relevant and identify further support for the Club Welfare officers.
  • Facilities and equipment – maintain an inventory of Club equipment and identify ant gaps. Liaise with AAA on opportunities for facility improvement.
  • Community & environment – involve and promote the Club in community events and activities, support charity, improve the environment around the Club and the wider community.
  • Succession planning – what are the activities carried out by various roles in the club? Can we reduce dependency on one or two individuals to carry out roles? Can we identify possible successors?
  • Gift Aid – explore the opportunity to claim gift aid tax reclaim on our membership fees.

If there are things you’d like to see from the Club that aren’t listed above, please let us know – but also let us know your thoughts on how and what it would take to deliver your ideas.!

Contact us at chair@kilmarnockharriers.com or treasurer@kilmarnockharriers.com

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