Weekly Round Up 7th-13th Dec 2015

Kilmarnock Harriers Junior Cross Country Championships Come To a Close
The recent Ayrshire Cross Country Championships brought the curtain down on this year’s Club Championships as far as the Junior athletes at Kilmarnock Harriers were concerned as results from the Autumn Relays, the Kilmarnock Open Cross Country Races and of course the Ayrshire’s at Rozelle were tallied up.
With points awarded at each event, as well as bonus point on offer, competition was fierce throughout the age group but with everyone putting in some excellent performances the medal winners were –
Under 11 Girls – 1st Emma McMillan, 2nd Sophie Ross, 3rd Olivia Bryden
Under 13 Girls – 1st Ava Heron, 2nd Lucy Glencorse, 3rd Kirstyn Park
Under 15 Girls – 1st Leonie McCutcheon, 2nd Erin Pastulovic, 3rd Pheobie McCutcheon
Under 17 Women – 1st Shona McBean, 2nd Iona Charles, 3rd Caitlin McClounie
Under 11 Boys – 1st Lewis Hill, 2nd Brodie McGregor, 3rd Luke Baird
Under 13 Boys – 1st Jonny Houson, 2nd Sam Lindsay, 3rd Andrew Baird
Under 15 Boys – 1st Bruce Holden, 2nd Aiden Hesset, 3rd Jack Campbell
Under 17 Men – 1st Tom Nichol, 2nd Jamie Nix, 3rd = Ryan Devlin, 3rd = Lachlan Ross
Well done to all athletes, and trophies will be presented at the Harriers Presentation Dance, and with all other competitors receiving medals the night promises to be an excellent one.
Tickets for the Presentation Dance can be ordered now, and the evening takes place at the Park Suite, Kilmarnock at 7pm on Saturday Feb 6th. Tickets are priced a bargain £8 for Juniors, £10 for Seniors and £32 for a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 child). This includes some great entertainment and can be picked up on any Club Night.



Hill Running Championships Decided

Charles Lines dominated the Kilmarnock Harriers 2015 hill championship being the first Harrier home in all of the 5 championship races he participated in. Special mention must go however to his 15th place finish in the Tinto Hill Race in early November. Charles’ time of 38.25 gave him the 1st male Age 50 finisher in the race which attracted a high quality field of over 200 runners.

Throughout the year Charles achieved some great results not only in the Club championship races but also in some of the other tough hill races including Ben Nevis and the Arrochar Alps.

None of this is achieved without a great deal of effort and commitment from Charles and its not unknown for him to visit the hills a few days in advance and recce the route so he’s well prepared for the race.

As with the Junior athletes, well done to everyone who took part in any, or all of some gruelling races throughout 2015.


Finally, the Scottish Veteran Harriers annual Christmas Handicap took place at Clydebank on Saturday (12th November).

Solo Kilmarnock Harrier Connell Drummond took the trip, and over 5 miles was under 29 minutes for the first time as he ran 28.42.

This also made sure that he was fastest scratch athlete on the day, a fine result as the year draws to a close.

As a footnote, Kilmarnock Harriers wish huge congratulations to members James and Natalie Wales on becoming new parents with the birth of daughter Mollie Darcey Wales on 24/11/2015.



