Weekend Roundup

A great weekend of racing and promoting for Kilmarnock Harriers

The Scottish Cycling, Running and Outdoor Pursuits show ran at the SECC Glasgow from Saturday 29th February to Sunday 1st February. Kilmarnock Harriers manned a stand at this show to promote our fantastic Roon the Toon 10km. I think we can all agree that it was a great weekend, for all involved and got the word out there further about Roon the Toon. Many registered on the day resulting being entered into a prize draw. Well done to all who volunteered, set up and dismantled the stand. A great weekend had by all.


On Saturday 29th February the 50th Allan Scally Road Relay Race took place at Glasgow Green. Kilmarnock Harriers had 6 teams entered in to this event with 2 x mens teams, 3 x womens (1 x being a vet team) and 1 x mixed team. Everyone ran in teams of 4 and running 5km each. Was great to see Laura Carruthers racing again and a first relay event for Aly Conquer. The weather was kind with the sun shining but the wind making it that bit challenging on the way back to the finish. Well done to everyone that raced, there were some great times and 5k pb’s gained by Steven Robson and Jacqui Sandler. All provisional finish times can be found Here. (If link can’t be accessed please try Shettleston Harriers facebook page and/or website).

Leaving the grim weather behind John Speirs headed to Spain. After the Tokyo Marathon being cancelled he still managed to find an alternative with a trail marathon in Girona, Spain, named Maraton Vias Verdes. John completed this marathon on Sunday 1st March, running in the heat and humidity in a time of 02:52:16 finishing fifth overall and 3rd V40 and getting on the podium. Well done John!!

Also on Sunday 1st Brian McLure ran the Doon by the River 10k in Cambuslang. Brian finished in a time of 47:58 in what was another miserable rainy and windy day. Well done Brian.
