Weekend Round Up!!

Plenty of racing at the weekend for Kilmarnock Harriers!!

On Saturday 2nd November Elizabeth and Leslie McDerment took on another endurance race this year, a 6 hour ultra run at Chatelherault Country Park in Hamilton. The race loop was 6km long with the majority of it on forest trails. They both done exceptionally well and completed with great distances clocked. Well done to you both!!

Also on Saturday, 4 Kilmarnock Harriers raced up Tinto Hill, on what looked a nice soggy course. This 4.4 mile race with 1500 ft of climbing seen Alyson Conquer Bagging herself a PB and finishing 2nd female in a time of 43:38. Well done Alyson. David White also had a great run in a time of 42:56 and also great runs from Roderick Pugh 46:33 (sorry couldn’t find your photo Roddy) and Karen Robertson 01:02:01.

Full results available HERE






Sunday 3rd November was the Run With the Wind 10K. A rural point to point race starting at the Ardochrig entrance to Whitelee Wind Farm and finishing in Kirkland Park, Strathaven. The route is undulating but mainly downhill. Always disagreement with the name of this race as the weather ends up being that you run in to the wind. Despite the weather on the day, 10 Kilmarnock Harriers raced the course and produced good times and even a few PB’s from John Speirs, Steven Robson and Paul Markac, well done.


Kilmarnock Times are as follows:

John Speirs 35:54

Steven Robson 37:58

Paul Markac 39:11

Mark Lyden 44:24

Alisdair Hood 51:06

Russell Duncan 53:52

Jackie Duncan 53:52

Douglas Dickson 56:23

Sandra Dickson 57:11

Ann Graham 01:03:41

Full Results from the race can be found here.

Well done everyone!!
