Wear the T Shirt – Results

© This is a copyrighted image and must not be used in anyway without the express permission of Mike Scott Contact Phone- 07968 258392 e-mail- mike@mikescottphotographer.com

On Sunday 7th June we asked as many folk as possible to mark “Roon the Toon Day” by going for a run wearing a race T shirt and that the race fund would donate £1 to Ayrshire Cancer Support for everyone who did.

I am delighted to say that 338 of you took up the challenge and from the fantastic feedback and pictures we received, you had a great time into the bargain. Given the result was a little less than the target we set, but knowing how desperately non coronavirus charities are suffering, we have decided to up our contribution to £1.50 per participant. The race fund will therefore be sending off a cheque to Ayrshire Cancer Support for £507.

The majority of ACS income comes from donations / sponsorship from folk participating in events like The Kilt Walk, Roon the Toon etc. Due to Coronavirus this has all but dried up. However the pressure on valuable services they provide, like transporting patients for life saving therapy, has increased. Pre Coronavirus, 3 clients could be transported at a time but this is now reduced to one, tripling the number of journeys. They need donations more than ever before and if you would like to help you can do this at www.ayrshirecs.org.

Another incentive for logging your run with a picture was to have the chance of winning a free meal for 2 at the excellent Park Hotel Kilmarnock.

The selection of the winner was completely random, although we did receive some amazing photos, and the winner is Romy Armstrong from Ayr.

Thanks everyone who participated it helped raise some cash for a good cause, helps keep our race in folks minds and hopefully provided a different dimension to your lockdown Sunday.
