To borrow some off the headlines from Roon the Toon
BIGGER yes we have grown as a club BUT we need help to be BETTER so please consider being PART OF OUR GROWTH
We need your help to maintain the smooth running of the club , could you be a parent helper on the track ,to assist the coaches , maybe you currently train 2 nights a week with the harriers, what about helping out assisting the coaches on one other night .Or on a Saturday morning at the Dean .Your maybe an ex harrier who no longer runs , who can with the help off the coaches pass on your knowledge and experience to the next generation
Equally as important is the excellent work that goes on in registration, could you help there ? Help with the clothing orders as we are looking to increase the range off harriers gear . I have only scratched the surface off ways you can contribute to help , and full training and back up will be provided.If you have any questions or queries please ask me or any committee member  any night at training or e mail me @ robertonwl@aol.com or via harriers facebook page
