Volunteer Leaders Needed

Kilmarnock Harriers AC are one of Scotlands largest clubs, with a huge number of dedicated volunteers, making the club the success it is.

As we move into the summer months, the club are looking at forward planning for coach development and education. We would like to invite any parent, grandparent or volunteer to express an interest in becoming a leader or coach at the club.

The club cover all course costs for successful volunteers and also provide mentoring support for all new volunteers and coaches. Any new coach will have a support coach and one to one meeting with the Pathways Officer to ensure they understand the needs and requirement of the education course.

Linked to developing new volunteers into coaches, if any of our current coaches would like to explore or book onto the next level, please speak to the Pathways Officer at the club, or contact him via the details below.

If anyone has any requests for workshops or courses, please ask.

Pathways Development Officer – pdo@kilmarnockharriers.com

Tel: 07910 869003
