Hi All,
it is beneficial to the club that the movers and shakers of the political establishment (of whatever party) are aware of the great things that we do at Kilmarnock Harriers. To this end we have invited Alan Brown, current MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun, to visit the club on Thursday 30th March. He will be accompanied on the visit by Councillor Elena Whitham.
The plan is that they will visit the various admin and training group and hear all about our ambitions and successes.
On a personal level, Alan is very interested in running. He completed our Roon the Toon 10K last year and was an early and enthusiastic entrant for 2017. We also have MSP Brian Whittle competing this year and we will be trying to get both Alan and Brian to encourage some of their Labour, Lib Dem, Green etc., colleagues to join in, so we can have a real political battle (with all the accompanying publicity for Roon the Toon!). Get along on Thursday if you can!