Valley Dash Results 2022

28 intrepid runners and 2 coaches tonight took on the challenge that is The Valley Dash – a  7.25 kilometre  circuit, featuring a combination of road, hill and trail racing. The weather was pretty miserable but it did not seem to damped the spirits of tonight’ hopefulls and I think it is fair to say everyone had a good time.

Having the best time of all was Hannah Connell from the 6 o clock road group who romped home just over 2 and a half minutes ahead of her nearest rival. Hannah got a Park Run PB on Saturday, so clearly she was in much better shape than predicted by the handicapper. It looked like she would be followed on the podium by another Valley Dash novice, Pamela Kilpatrick, but Pamela was overtaken in the last 30 metres by a storming Stewart McRoberts to settle the 1,2,3. Clearly Stewart’s marathon training is paying off.

Fastest man on the night was Craig Ferguson and fastest woman was our president, Amanda Bryden.

Apart from Hannah, who was underestimated, everyone finished within 2 minutes of their predicted time. Kirsty Mackay and Jackie Duncan were 3 seconds out (sorry Kirtsy, missed that at the presentation, prize to follow) and Douglas Steel was only 1 second out. So not a bad effort.

Biggest organisational failure on the night was in relation to Colin Whitby our guest runner from Gascube Harriers. When you lay out a course it is supposed to be idiot proof, but it turns out one slipped through the net :-). Not sure how, but Colin finished the race on the A71, entering the track from the wrong direction. Sorry Colin, what a way to treat a visitor!

Our grateful thanks to the timekeepers, officials and marshals without whom these events could not take place. Also thanks to Alasdair Hood for an outstanding buffet.

Full results are here – Results
