Thanks to all who have paid their 2016/17 membership subscriptions. We now have 380 paid members with 20 more attending a recent induction meeting and starting to eat into the membership waiting list.
We appreciate that some have encountered difficulties when using the SubsOnline website so thanks for persevering. Overall the system has helped us collect fees and information more efficiently
Membership renewal notices were issued to all 2015/16 paid members and some membership renewals remain unpaid. Over the last couple of months we have issued several payment request e mails, had posts on the Club website and Facebook page and attempted to contact by phone many of those still unpaid. For those still unpaid, with effect from 1st July, it is assumed that membership is not being renewed and those members will be transferred to a Former member category and removed from the attendance records at the registration desks.
If non payment is due to financial circumstances please contact Alasdair Murray, Treasurer and we will look to make alternative arrangements
Anyone attending the Club after 1st July who has not paid membership will be charged an attendance fee of £5 per night until such time as the fee is paid.
As noted above, we recently held an induction session for new members – the deadline of 1st July does not apply to this group.
Alasdair Murray