Turkey Trot


On Boxing day, close to 500 runners chose to burn off some Christmas calories to take part in the annual Ayrodynamic Turkey Trot Road Races.

The day kicks off with an 11.15am start for the 5K Race and in this there were 157 runners of all ages who toed the line. First to show was Kara Tait who took the honours in the Ladies Race, and although slightly disappointed in her time she still finished 5th overall in a decent effort.

Hot on the heels of his victory in the Club Christmas Handicap the previous week Angus Kerr was 1st in the Under 15 Race while a number of his Clubmate’s also took part.

Full Kilmarnock Harriers times were –

5th (1st Female) Kara Tait 18.13, 17th Angus Kerr 20.37, 34th Amanda Humes 22.34, 35th Susan Ballantyne 22.40, 52nd Lorne Kerr 24.35, 53rd Bryce Kerr 24.38, 68th Pamela Gray 25.58, 70th Tracy Kerr 26.06.

45 Minute later the 10K took place and like the previous race conditions were perfect for running and hopefully fast times.

New member Graeme Cameron was first to show as he led the field through the first Kilometre in just under 3 minutes. With a lightning quick start Graeme had set his stall out for a high placing and although he relinquished his lead by the time the finishing line appeared he had put recent food poisoning to one side and smashed his pb and finished an excellent 4th place in the process.

On Christmas Day, Alasdair Murray and David White were in Glasgow for the weekly Park Run in Pollock Park. Both were happy to kick of their day’s, in running 18.49 and 20.07 respectively.
