Training for our Ayrshire Harriers pole vaulters is going well

Cara Baillie clearing 1.70m

Our Wednesday pole vault group has been making good progress and preparation are going well for the second Youth Development League match on 2nd June, which will be held at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena. Our current pole vault group consists of  3 Kilmarnock athletes and 3 Ayr Seaforth athletes: Hannah Bartl, Leigh McLevy (both U17) and Cara Baillie, Evie Bartl, Jennifer McVeigh and Callum Meldrum (all U15).

Leigh McLevy clearing 1.70m and starting to initiate a turn

Leigh McLevy clearing 1.70m and starting to initiate a turn


This has been our first outdoor session where we used a proper bar, which was at the official opening height of 1.70 m and we are pleased to say that so far 2 athletes Cara and Leigh, have already managed to clear this height and Hannah coming very close indeed.

Our group usually starts with drills in the sand pit with short approach runs to practice planting of pole with a good swing keeping a long arm and turning mid air by pushing the pole away.

Callum Meldrum (Ayr Seaforth) is also making good progress and with a few more sessions focusing on proper grip height (losing the grip is a common beginners mistake) and turning in mid air, things are looking optimistic that Callum will hopefully be ready for the third league match on 23rd June.  Being able to enter athletes in both age groups, U15 and U17, should give Ayrshire Harriers valuable points when it comes to the actual league final.

Well done to everyone who attended our pole vault sessions and worked hard so far. Our pole vaulters are looking forward to our next Ayrshire Open Meeting to be held in Kilmarnock on Wednesday 12th June, where the pole vault will be added to the offered field events for the first time. The time table for the open meeting will be published in due course on this web site.




