Three go into Five at Carnethy

After last weeks trip to Fife and the Devils Burden Relay it was over to the Pentlands this week and probably the season opener for hill racing at the Carnethy 5 hill race.  Over 500 starters took on the 9km route and 2000ft of ascent.

David White, Alasdair Murray and Roddy Pugh, fresh from good runs at Devils Burden, enjoyed great conditions for the race.  Light cloud on the tops at the start cleared through the race on a clear and calm day.

All three were pleased with their runs, Davie 66.09 (147th), Alasdair 70.25(207th) and Roddy 74.06 (260th).  Mention also to former member David Mitchell running for Ayrodynamics completing in 82.08.

Nearing the top of hill number 5, Carnethy.
