The Valley Dash – Thursday 16th September

 Apologies but due to circumstances outwith my control the date for the valley dash has been moved to Thursday.

This years main individual club handicap race will take place on Thursday 16th September at the running track in Barmill Rd, Galston. This is slightly later than normal due to Roon the Toon being delayed. As a result we plan to get the first runner off at 6.30. I will issue the handicaps in advance with your start time. Please arrive in plenty time to collect your number and warm up. If you cannot make your allocated start come anyway and we will sort it out once everyone is finished.

Being an individual  handicap event everyone has a chance, so do come along and give it a try.

If you have never run the race before,  it is a pleasurable 4+ miles over a gently undulating course (lol)!! If you have run it, then ignore that and remember the fast downhill section and the complementary beer and buffet at the end! This year the beer and buffet will be in the Scout Hut which is right at the gates to the track.  

If  you intend to run, or are available to help let me know at  Ian Gebbie (or via Facebook) and you’ll be assured of a well considered handicap taking all available evidence into account. Entries on the night without pre-notification can expect a less than generous handicap! 

I will assume all entrants will be coming along for the buffet and presentations but do confirm so we do not over cater!
