The Valley Dash 2021 Results

On what turned out to be excellent conditions for racing, 37 intrepid Harriers tonight took on the challenge that is The Valley Dash – a  7.25 kilometre  circuit, featuring a combination of road, hill and trail racing. This year we had a larger than average number of ‘newbies’ to the event with representation from all the training groups, which is very encouraging (I just hope they come back!). However it was an old hand, in the form of Calum Haswell, who romped home in first place beating his 2020 performace by over 3 and a half minutes. Great effort Calum.

Calum was chased all the way to the line by Jennifer Beattie who overtook dad, Richard in the last kilometre, thereby averting a family break up!.

Fastest man on the night was Martin Brown and fastest woman, Lynsey O’Connor.

Instead of heading for the Wee Train, this year we utilised  the Barmill Hall where we were treated right royaly by our very own Alasdair Hood. Great buffet Alasdair, and thanks to Kate Todd for organising it.

As normal, the handicapper got some things nearly right but others badly wrong. Robert Lindsay was only 6 seconds away from his predicted time (I owe you Robert) and Colin Anderson, 9. However at the other end of the scale Nataliya Petkova was subjected once more to the roller coaster ride on being last, first and last again over the last 3 years. Aplogies Nataliya but I didn’t know you had been working from 5.00 am. I salute you for just turning up. Also Mike Corson – sorry for not taking into account the 9 munros you have just completed since the start of the week – respect!


Our thanks go to the timekeepers, officials and marshals without whom these events could not take place.

Full results are here – Results
