The end of Kilmarnock Harriers is nigh….

The Club will be holding an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), followed by an Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday 8th April, 7pm at the Park Hotel.  All members, including parents are invited and encouraged to attend.

The purposes of the EGM is to formally dissolve Kilmarnock Harrier & Athletic Club in its current unincorporated association structure.

The Club has applied for and been granted Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) status and, subject to approval, the EGM will be immediately followed by the initial AGM of Kilmarnock Harrier & Athletic Club as a SCIO.

(So apologies for the tabloid style attention grabbing headline, followed by a dull story)

The AGM will include the usual formality of electing a Board of Trustees (the SCIO equivalent of the Club committee).

All positions on the Board will be available for election. Ahead of the meeting we will post another message including details of the types of roles and activities we are looking to have covered on the Board.  But with over 400 members it’s not just about those on the Board steering and managing the Club’s activities and developments, we need as many people as possible to get involved and spread the load supporting the further growth and development of the Club .

Annual membership fees

At the AGM the annual membership and attendance fees will be reviewed and set for the 2016/17 year ahead.

In preparation for this we are moving to an online membership record and payment solution, using PaySubsonline.  We are in the midst of adding 2015/16 paid member details to the website and over the next few weeks members, coaches and other volunteers should receive an email inviting you to log on and update your membership details.

If you don’t receive this by the end of March please let me know at

Shortly after the AGM a further e mail will be issued requesting payment of annual membership fees.

Alasdair Murray

