The Covid Compliant Valley Dash – Thursday 27th August

27th August sees the return of the main individual club handicap of the year – The Valley Dash – albeit with a few changes to make sure we comply with social distancing guidelines.

The first runners will set off at 7.00 pm from the running track in Barrmill Rd. Galston. The route and format  are much the same as usual but with the key difference that handicaps, and therefore individual start times, will be issued in advance. We then expect runners to arrive at the start, warmed up and ready to run, not much more than  5 minutes before their individual time, as an aid to reduce congestion. To facilitate this  we are recommending that runners park in the TESCO, Galston car park on the A71 or in Loudoun Academy on Glasgow Rd and jog to the start from there. There will be parking at the running track for race marshals and officials.

Gone for this year is the post race buffet and prize presentation in The Wee Train. However, everyone involved in the event will receive a generous complementary goody bag! 

If you have never run the race before, the route is a pleasurable 4+ miles over a gently undulating course (lol)!! If you have run it, then ignore that and remember the fast downhill section and the goody bag at the end!

If  you intend to run, or are available to help let me know at  Ian Gebbie , via Facebook or in person to myself, Kate Todd or Alasdair Murray. Given the lack of recent results you might also wish to provide a guess at how you are running over 5 or 10K. Full instructions will be issued to competitors with their handicaps.

Being an individual  handicap event everyone has a chance, so do come along and give it a try. It is also a great way to keep the cub together in these difficult times.

