The Ability Games – Athletics

Thursday 26th May sees the club hosting the athletics day of The Ability Games. This is a competition for children and adults with disabilities organised by Ayrshire Sportsability, which features run, jump, throws and relay events.

As part of the build up to the event there is a 3 hour Assistant Officials course at the AAA at 9.30 on Friday 18th March which will provide coaching on how to judge, measure and time athletics events.

There is then a trial’s day for the competitors and officials  at the St Mathews Academy track in Saltcoats on Tuesday 22nd March.

If you would like to help out at the event and trials and / or would like to be considered for the Assistant Officials Course (this is for able bodied and disabled events) drop me an e mail here – Ian Gebbie

I can promise an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
