SVHC LSK Masters Road Relays – Sunday 27/01/2019

The Masters Road Relays took place in Strathclyde Country Park on Sunday 27/02/2019 and despite the blustery conditions, there was an excellent turnout for the over 35s category.  Unfortunately the team captains could not run this race but only because we were too young (it is not often I can say that anymore)!

We were able to enter two full female teams and one partial team along with one full male team.  Even though there was a lot of great competition on the day, the full women’s teams came in a respectable 9th and 22nd place for the A and B teams.  The men’s team came in 45th.

The full results can be viewed on this SVHC page.

Given the very chilly and windy conditions (and I had a thick jacket and a jumper on so I dread to think how those with vests and shorts felt) there were a lot of excellent performances on the day.  Well done to everyone who came and took part, to those who came in support of the race and of course to our entrusted photographer Jacqui for some great photos!
