Thanks to everyone who,has put there name foward for.Sunday and HUGE thanks to both our graded officials and other volunteers who have kindly agreed to help
Volunteers can you please arrive no later than 10 30,and report to the registration room where we allocate your spots
Athletes again please arrine NO LATER tham 10 30 declarations will be in the indoor hall
We aim to start at 11am ( warm up from 10 45 )
A copy of the timetable is enclosed but please note ALL TIMINGS are APPROXIMATE so please listen for announcements
Hot food van will be in attendanceĀ 
Parking ONLY BLUE BADGE HOLDERS are allowed to park inside the gates
CAR PARK please park only in designated parking slots and only in the electric charging slots if you are using them
If car park is full please use the retail park or the overflow car park at Scott Ellis
Finally and most importantly enjoy the day
