Successful Javelin Workshop at Ayrshire Athletics Arena

There has been a good turnout at the third javelin workshop at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena despite the wintry conditions with a total of 28 athletes and 14 coaches taken part, some from as far as Montrose, Inverness and Caithness. Kilmarnock Harriers helped to organise the workshop, competition and supplied most equipment, including our brand new indoor javelins, which had just been delivered the previous days. The indoor javelins came very handy as it enabled athletes to take full advantage of the indoor throwing net, where athletes could train the end phase of the javelin throw, cross overs, impulse stride and delivery.

Laura Wilkie and Morgan Wilkie doing shoulder exercises against wall

After an initial warm up athletes were taught conditioning exercises with light medicine balls, focusing on strengthening shoulder  and core muscle groups.

Part of the workshop was a javelin competition, which was held under  mixed weather condition, ranging from from heavy snow showers to dry and sunny weather. Despite these changeable weather conditions it proved to be a good learning experience for all athletes and a first experience of the upcoming outdoor season. Our own Harriers certainly seemed to have enjoyed the experience and all achieved new PBs. Cameron Wilson (U15) 27.64m, Laura Wilkie (U14)  10.12m and Morgan Wilkie (U13) 9.57m.

Connel Dummond, our level 1 coach, used this workshop to gain more knowledge about this exciting throwing event, which will come in handy for his upcoming coaching assessment in the not so far future.

Any other coach interested in future workshops should contact either Robert Wilkie ( or check the Javelin Scotland web site 

Results of the competition will be posted soon on Power of 10



