Storms Don’t Stop Runners!!

As the saying goes, “if it’s no’ rainin’ (or blowin’ a hooly) then it’s no’ trainin’

As it’s been quiet on the winter championships front over the past few weeks, here is just a wee roundup of what some of our seniors have been up to. Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis have made an appearance and certainly haven’t stopped our runners from carrying on training and racing!! Character building I was always told!!

At the start of the month, on Sunday 2nd February, Jennifer Beattie got out of the elements and competed once again at the Emirates Arena in the 400m Masters Women event. Jennifer got herself a new pb at this with a time of 68:48, improving by a couple of seconds on her last time. Well done!

On the same day Steven Robson travelled south to race in the X Border 10k which started in Gretna crossing the border and finishing in Carlisle. Although conditions were wet and miserable Steven had an excellent run, gaining a new pb of 36:54 and finishing 17th overall!!

More recently on Sunday 16th a few Harriers went to Dalmellington for the aptly named Hillbilly 10k. This is an event organised by Butterfly Events which raises money for Cancer Research UK. The wind did’t hold anyone back though with the following times: Joshua Raeburn 46:04, Leslie McDerment 52:52, David Townsley 56:19, Lynne McCaffrey 59:31, Jacqui Sandler 01:07:22. Well done everyone, great times for a hilly trail race.

The same Sunday Paula Wilson was up north for a half marathon and of course cake. Paula raced the Kinloss to Lossiemouth half, battling the winds and finishing in a time of 108. 20. Great time Paula and a good start to the years racing.

If this is how people are doing so far in these conditions then it should be a good year and can only get better, bring on the calmer weather. Apologies if anyone has raced anything else and not been mentioned. Keep on training hard everyone!

Good luck to Everyone racing at the National XC Champs on Saturday 22nd February.

We are still looking for runners to complete teams for the Allan Scally relays on Saturday 29th February at Glasgow Green, Although this isn’t part of the winter championships it’s a good race and team event and you get a t-shirt this year and it’s only 5km, so if your interested please see Robert or Amanda.
