Sprints Workshop – focusing on athletes with cerebral palsy

Sprints Workshop

focusing on athletes with cerebral palsy

Coaches already working with an athlete with cerebral palsy should in-vite their athletes to attend. The workshop will focus on cerebral palsy but anyone interested in sprinting will gain a great deal from attending.

8 February 2014, 1200—1700

Aberdeen Sports Village, AB24 5RU

Tutor: Keith Antoine


? Considerations for coaching sprinters with cerebral palsy

? Questions from coaches and support staff

? Practical session with athletes to include running technique, blocks, starts and pick up

? Lunch

? Review of the practical session and training implications

? The role of strength and conditioning for sprinters with cerebral palsy

? Practical session to address identified issues

? Planning the training year

? World standards – making it into Team GB


For more information or to book onto the workshop contact:

Scottish Disability Sport

Tel: 0131 317 1130

Email: admin@scottishdisabilitysport.com

Places on the course are limited to 15 people.

The workshop is free to attend and lunch will be provided.

