Seniors RoundUp 4th October 2021

For most of us following the Valley Dash there has been a little break in racing, with preparations well underway for the XC season due to start this weekend at the West District Relays.  However, a number of our seniors have been busy representing the club over the Marathon distance in the past couple of weeks with some absolutely outstanding results.

Kicking it all off was John Speirs at Berlin Marathon on the 26th of September.  Despite challenging conditions in the heat, John recorded an excellent 2:57:11.  Not content with that, he also put his foot on the line at London yesterday to finish with a fine PB of 2:51:28 – not a week you’ll forget in a hurry John!

There were a further 4 Harriers on the line yesterday morning, and what a day of running it was for all involved.

Lorna Baird took an incredible 42 minutes off her previous PB to run an outstanding 3:07:03, whilst Amanda Bryden also ran a huge PB of 3:33:27 – massive effort ladies, the hard work has been well worth it.

Thomas Samson made his marathon debut in an excellent 5:09:11; and Robin Bourne finished in 6:20:43 despite an injury flaring up at the 10 mile mark, raising nearly £3000 for Maggies Charity as well – great running guys.

If this has inspired you to lace up your racing shoes there are still opportunities to enter the National Relays on the 23rd of October (if you’re REALLY quick and let Robert/Jennifer know by the end of Tuesday) and Ayrshire Relays on the 16th.  For those of you that prefer to keep your feet dry then entries are open on EntryCentral for Ruby’s 5k on the 31st of October at the AAA – it would be great to see this race sold out this year and a sea of blue and white on the start line.
