Senior Winter Champs Update

The 4th, & 1st of the individual,  Senior Winter Championship Race, Ruby’s 5k, took place at the AAA, the course is a fairly flat figure of 8, around the Athletics Arena. It was fantastic to see so many Killie Harriers blue & white vests taking part. Fastest male & female on the day were Richard Mair & Stephanie Hewitt, taking full 10 points, well done to both & also to the leaders of the Championships, Gordon Reid & Liz McDerment. Both tables will be getting more interesting to watch now, as all races until the final race in the Champs, are individuals where the fastest will gain 10 points, the next 9 & so on. Please remember you must wear a club vest to take part in the Championships.

The next race will be the National Short Course XC, next Saturday (5th Nov), which was pre entry only. After this will be Kilmarnock Harriers own open cross country, Fun In The Mud, this is enter on the day, so let’s see lots of blue & white vests again taking part & having lots of fun!! Oh, & earning Champs points!! Good luck everyone!



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