Senior Winter Championships

There was a fantastic turn out of 30 Killie Harriers, for the first race of the winter season, the George Cummings Road Relays, in Houston. This helps us select the teams for the upcoming Cross Country Relays, always a difficult job to do! Fastest male & female Harriers this time round, were Richard Mair & Kirsty Alexander, easily earning their place in the A team for the next race. Everyone gains the same points for the relays, 7 points each, with 3 out of the 5 relays to count in the Champs.

The next race will be the West District XC Relays on Sunday 15th Oct, in Hamilton, pre entry has already been done for this. We are still taking names for the next 2 races, Ayrshire XC relays in Irvine on Sun 22nd Oct, & the National XC Relays in Cumbernauld on Sat 28th Oct.

Dealine for the National XC Relays is Thurs 12th Oct, so anyone wishing to race must pass their names to the Club Captains asap.

Women’s Winter Championship 2017-18

Mens Winter Championships 2017-18

Club Captains
