The Cross Country season & Senior Winter Champs began on Sunday at Hamilton Racecourse, well done to all the age groups who took part. This is the first of 4 relays in the Championship, with 3 out of 4 to count & all participants recieving 7 points per race ran. Fastest Woman at Hamilton was Colleen Tait, fastest Man, Scott Martin, well done to both.
The next race in the Champs is the Ayrshire XC Relays being held this Saturday, 17th October, at the AAA. As this is on home ground we expect a huge turnout from the whole club on the day. It’s enter & pay, (seniors £3 saf, £5 non saf), on the day, but could all seniors/Under 20 wanting to race please pass their names to the Club Captains, to help us organise the teams. Club vests must be worn for all relays…………see you all next week!!
Mens Winter Championships 2015-16
Womens Winter Championships 2015-16
The Club Captains