Senior Winter Championship Update

Kilmarnock Harrier’s Open Cross Country, was the latest race in the Senior Winter Champs. At last we had some rain over the last week, making it truly ‘Fun’ in the Mud! Fastest Harriers were Gavin Hogarth &, the newest member to Jim Young’s training group, Kirsty Alexander, well done to both, & current leader’s of the Champs are, for the Women Liz McDerment & a joint lead in the Men’s, Stewart McAllister & Gavin Hogarth, positions changing every week, so looks like a good competitive Championships this year!

Next race to gain points for the Championships, will be the Ayrshire Cross Country Champs at Irvine Beachpark on Sat 19th Nov, this is enter on the day by each athlete.

We are also taking names for the West District XC, which takes place in Ayr on Sunday 4th Dec. Entry will be posted at the end of next week, (Fri 18th Nov), so please pass your names to the Club Captains asap. You must be a member of Scottish Athletics to take part in this race & as with all championship races, you must wear a club vest.



Club Captains
