Senior Winter Championship Update

There are a few position changes in both championships, after the 9th race of the Senior Winter Champs at Ayr today. Well done to the 21 hardy Killie Harriers who toed the line in Ayr, for the Ayrodynamics annual 10k roadrace, in cold, wet & windy conditions. Well done also to Neil Walker & Liz McDerment being fastest Harriers of the day, Neil equaling his 10k pb time & Liz not far off her pb for the distance. Ross Connelly & Paula Wilson still lead the Championships but with 5 races left, still lots of points to be earned. The next race is the popular Beith New Year Road Races, on Saturday 2nd Jan 2016 in Kilbirnie, good luck!

Almost at the end of this years racing, please remember to check all your times against the Club Standard chart & if anyone has qualified for an award, please let Scott Martin know asap.

Mens Winter Championships 2015-16

Womens Winter Championships 2015-16

Club Captains
