Senior/U20 Event Report 4th September 2024

It feels like it’s barely been a minute since our last report, but despite the outdoor season
beginning to wind down the results are still pouring in! Hopefully this latest update has
captured everything, but if we have missed anyone out please let us know – we love to
share good news!

We start this result with a seriously high-profile event, with outstanding athlete, club welfare
officer/trustee and coach Laura Haggarty travelling to Gothenberg in Sweden to take part in
the World Masters Athletics Outdoor Championships. This is an absolutely huge event
which runs for the best part of two weeks, with athletes from across the globe fighting it out
for medals. In the W40 1500m heats on Friday the 23rd, Laura safely qualified for the final
in 4 th place (4:52.9) in very Scottish conditions! In the final on Sunday the 25 th , Laura had a
fantastic run against some of the very best W40 athletes in the world to finish a hard fought
4 th place in 4:46.6. Great running Laura and a huge inspiration to your team-mates and the
athletes you coach!

While Laura was on her rest day between races on Saturday the 24 th , we had athletes out
and about closer to home doing the business in the blue and white. At the Bute 10k (in
‘interesting’ conditions and a somewhat haphazard race start), Jonathon Downey emerged
victorious in a time of 33:55. Not letting the side down for the Masters athletes, David
McLure came home in 5 th place and 1 st V40 in 35:53 for a profitable day for both of the guys.
Enjoying slightly less tempestuous weather, 3 of our younger athletes were in Stirling
chasing the flames at the ever popular Monument Mile. Such is the quality of these lads that
there was no action from Killie athletes until race 21 where Connor Scobie finished 6 th in
4:41.89. In race 23, Matthew Monachello was 4 th in 4:33.13 and although we do not usually
cover U17 athletes in these reports it would be rude not to give mention to Jamie Work who
was 5 th in race 24 in 4:28.12 – great running lads!

Also on the 24 th , Logan Mitchell was representing Scotland at the Birmingham International
Meet where he finished 2 nd in the hammer, throwing 53.24m – well done Logan.
Sunday the 25 th saw a huge squad of athletes travel to Scotstoun for the final CSSAL league
meeting. We went into the event in the lead so the pressure was on and it’s safe to say that
the team rose to the occasion! Full results have been posted on the Harriers page, and your
captains want to thank each and every one of the senior/U20/masters athletes that stood up
to be counted on the day, especially those who picked up events they would not normally do
(looking at you Natalie Sharp!) and who may have been ‘persuaded’ to do more than
planned (sorry Jonathon!). Also great to see some new faces and a welcome return to the
track for Josh Smith. The 4×100 mixed relay win at the end was the icing on the cake – well
done Josh, Brooke, Hannah and Adam. There will be a presentation at club champs on
Sunday for all participants in the league now that we are officially CSSAL champions!
On Tuesday the 27 th , Hannah Henderson was in action at the Shettleston OG at Crownpoint,
scoring a 5 th place (1 st U20) in the hammer, throwing 35.61m – well done Hannah.
Friday the 30 th of August saw the return of the 3k on The Green at Glasgow Green.
Conditions were unusually pleasant, and our 3 Harriers competing all had great runs. Owen
Walpole was first home in 5 th overall (9:27), Laura Haggarty was 17 th overall and 1 st lady in
10:22 and Adam Todd was 29 th in 10:58 – well done all!

Sunday the 1 st of September saw 3 Harriers take on the NAAC 10k, with Kat Kelly 2 nd lady in
41:06, Jacqui Sandler 5 th V50 lady in 53:27 and Brian Darroch rounding up the results with a
solid 55:59. Also on Sunday, we had a team entered in the Simon Wake Comrie Hills relay.

Nick Carter, Colin Glencorse, Mark Henderson and Gary Martin took on this tough relay race
with a total distance of 43k and an ascent of 1733ft, plus a couple of water crossings for
some of the ‘lucky’ athletes! The team had a great time and finished in 11 th overall – great
running guys!

We have a few events coming up for you all to look forward to – first up is the Club Champs
on Sunday the 8 th . We then have the Valley Dash on Tuesday the 10 th of September – this is
one of the best club socials of the year, don’t miss out! See entry details on club socials.
We then have our XC trial race at the Kay Park on Thursday the 19 th . This is a road race (3x
the 1360 loop) and you don’t have to be planning on running XC to take part. Just turn up
on the night (6:30pm start), collect a number and run.

It won’t be long until we are starting to get numbers together for the West District XC relays,
so now is a good time to make sure your SA number is up to date!
