Senior Summer Championships 2017

The 9th race of the Senior Summer Champs took place in Kilmaurs this week, the ever popular Kilmaurs 5k, which had over 40 Harriers taking part! Well done to first Harriers to cross the finish line, Craig Ferguson & Rhona O’Neil, taking full 15 points each. Amanda Bryden still leads the Women’s table & Scott Lyden the men’s, but there are still enough races left for that to change!

Next race in the Championships will be Dundonald 10k, on Wed 2nd August, this is PRE-ENTRY ONLY, through Entry Central, entries close on Sunday 30th July, there are still plenty of entries left, & this race must be the cheapest in the country at only £5 for saf members (£7 non members)!!

There were a lot of great times ran at Kilmaurs 5k, please remember to check you Club Standard time, to see if you qualify for a prize at the end of the year. Well done to Susan Beattie, who ran her 3rd Silver Standard time on Wednesday.

Mens Summer Championship 2017

Womens Summer championships 2017

Club Captains

