The latest, and first ‘long’ race of the Summer Champs, Girvan Half Marathon took place on Sunday. This was also an Ayrshire Championship race, 6 Killie Harrier men took part, but unfortunately we had no women racing this year, this is disappointing, but hopefully more women will be taking part in most of the other races in the Champs. First Harrier over the line was Connell Drummond, taking full points for his efforts & moving up to 4th place, leader is still James Connelly, who was 2nd Harrier at Girvan, well done to both & all who raced this tough course.
Next race will be the 2nd ‘short’ race of the Champs, Irvine 5 Miles at 11am on Sunday 17th July. There are still places left to enter on the day at the moment, with a limit of 200 runners. Good luck & hope to see you all there!
Womens Summer Championships 2016
Club Captains