Senior Race Round Up 7th April 2022

The results just keep on rolling in for our senior athletes – it has been another busy fortnight taking in trail races, full and half marathons and the start of our Summer Points league.

Kicking things off on the 27th of March was Nick Carter who travelled through to Fife for the Lochore Meadows 5 mile Trail Race.  Blessed with cracking weather conditions, Nick finished a fantastic 8th overall and 3rd senior man in 34:59 – great running Nick!

Sunday the 3rd of April was a busy day for the club, with athletes at several events up and down the country.  First up, Connell Drummond and Stewart McAllister headed across country for the Dalmeny Estate Half Marathon.  Connell finished in 12th overall (4th V40) in a time of 1:33:16 and Stewart was 73rd (29th senior man) in 1:50.59 around what I hear was a tricky wee course.

Meanwhile in Manchester, Steven Robson and Josh Raeburn were flying the blue and white flag at the Therme Manchester Marathon.  Despite a less than ideal final couple of weeks of preparation for the boys due to Covid and injuries, they both did the club proud with Stevie finishing in 3:10:31 and Josh completing his marathon debut in 3:27:43 – great effort guys.

Closer to home, 10 athletes travelled to Strathclyde Park to take part in the Tom Scott 10 mile race – the first of our summer points races as well as being a Scottish and West District championship event.  First across the line for the Harriers and taking maximum points for the men was Paul Black who ran an excellent 71:40 in 166th place overall.  Next across the line and taking maximum points for the ladies was Kirsty Mackay who ran 79:17 and 62nd lady overall (29th V35).  Mark Lyden followed in 83:29, Lynn Brown in 84:11, Stephen Vass and Louise Baillie both in 86:42, Stewart McRoberts in 91:59, Laura Carruthers in 97:17, Catriona Hastings in 1:42:15 and Natalie Sharp in 1:51:20.  For some of these athletes it was their first attempt at a 10 mile race and I’m reliably informed that Paul, Kirsty, Lynn, Stephen, Louise, Catriona and Natalie all ran PBs so well done all!

This weekend sees the start of the outdoor track and field season at the Ayrshire Open Graded on Sunday at the AAA – this is a perfect opportunity for you to come and spectate and see what it’s all about if you fancy a shot but are still a little unsure!   Meanwhile the road athletes will be continuing preparations for the Arran 10k on the 24th of April (entries still open) and Ron’s 5k (waitlisted) on the 27th of April.   The points tables are now available following the first race of the season – it would be great to see a lot more names filling them up!

