Senior Race Round-Up 17th May 2022

It’s really starting to feel like things are back to normal now, and the races are coming thick and fast!  Since my last update, our senior Harriers have continued to enjoy getting back out on the roads and track, with plenty of good news to report once again.

We kick off with the first of the Babcock 10k series held in Helensburgh on Thursday the 5th of May.  Craig Ferguson ran a strong 34:52 for 11th overall and 5th in his category in very good company, and Lynsey O’Connor finished in an excellent 41:12 for 12th lady and 6th in her age category.

On Sunday the 8th, our seniors were out in force hunting down points at the first CSSAL League match held at Kilmarnock.  This is our first year back in the top flight, and our athletes really did the club proud.  We were represented strongly across the majority of the events available (our U20 athletes compete as seniors at these events) with a lot of athletes returning maximum points.  Alongside the junior section, enough points were accumulated to have us come out at the top of the table which is a great achievement against some of the bigger clubs.  Full results are available on the Harriers page.  If you are on the fence about having a shot at track and field events the CSSAL League matches are a great way into it – the next match is on the 5th of June and we will be looking for names shortly!

Wednesday the 11th saw the 4th of our Summer Points races held at Troon.  The Troon 10k is always a popular race, and Wednesday night was no different!  29 Harriers put their toe on the line to compete for the points available, and there was lots to celebrate.  Lorna Baird was 1st lady home for the Harriers and 2nd lady overall in 38:13 (also Gold Ayrshire medal) and David Sherrington was first home for the men in 35:15 and 15th place overall.  In the Ayrshire medals on the night also were Michael Corson for 1st V60 in 42:03; the men’s team of David Sherrington, Scott Masterton, Ross Granger and Colin Anderson who won team silver; and the ladies team of Lorna Baird, Sasha I’Anson and Kirsty Mackay who also won team silver.  Full results are available here.

On Thursday the 12th, 5 Harriers made the trip to Dumbarton for the second of the Babcock 10k series.  First back was Craig Ferguson in 13th place overall in an excellent time of 34:00 and first lady back was Sharon McNicol in 41:58 (13th lady overall and 7th V40).  Russell Duncan ran 45:35 for 11th V60; Gillian Wishart was 9th V50 lady in 50:34 and Jackie Duncan was 13th V50 lady in 55:48 – great running from everyone!

Saturday and Sunday (14th/15th) saw the seniors and U20s at both Grangemouth and Kilmarnock for the Scottish Athletics National Opens which ran in conjunction with the West and East District Championships for our younger athletes.  There were no medal opportunities for the seniors this weekend, but there were a number of really good performances yet again which bodes well for future championship events.  Results will be available on the SA website and on Power of 10.

Also this weekend, Jacqui and Gordon Sandler made their way to Campbeltown for a weekend of running events.  First off was the Friday Frolic, an 8 mile race held at Machrihanish.  Jacqui completed this in 1:13:48 and Gordon in 1:13:52. Both athletes were meant to be running the Kintyre Ultra, but due to injuries Jacqui decided to save herself for another day and Gordon retired during the event.  However, Gordon definitely came back with a bang on the Sunday, completing the Great Carradale Canter in 55:23 and receiving a trophy for 2nd Veteran across the line.  Jacqui also completed in 1:02:00, rounding up a super busy weekend of racing for the pair – well done both!

Next on the calendar for the road runners is the Land O’Burns 10k held next Wednesday (24th) and we have a number of athletes entered in the Monument Mile race this Friday night on the track – good luck to all athletes competing here and elsewhere in the coming week!  There is no change at the top of our leaderboards for the summer points with Mark Lyden still at the top for the men with 46 points and Kirsty Mackay heading up the ladies with 42 points but there is still everything to play for as the season begins to really get going and a number of athletes are hot on the heels of the leading pair.  Updated league tables are now available – if anyone spots any errors or omissions please let me know ASAP.

summer points league

