Senior Event Roundup 18th September 2023

And just like that, Autumn is here! This summer has been a fabulous one for team Kilmarnock with
so many fantastic success stories, and as we now get to the end of the season we have another set
of great results to report before the winter season kicks off.

We firstly go back to the 3 rd of September as the results for the Club T&F Champs are now in. For the
U20 men it was a win for Jonathon Downey and 2nd place for Jai Wilson. The U20 ladies top spot
was claimed by Isla Raeburn, with Kirsty Howe 2nd and Izzy Caufield taking 3 rd . For the senior
athletes, Andrew Baird was victorious, followed by Jamie Nix and Craig Ferguson. The winner of our
senior ladies category was Laura Jedrusiak, with Natalie Sharp delighting her fans to finish 2nd and
Amanda Bryden taking third spot. Prizes will be presented at the annual awards event to all of these
athletes but a huge congratulations to all who took part on the day. Please note that points in the
summer league have been awarded in both categories i.e. our U20 and senior winners will both get
20 and so on.

Moving on to the 9 th of September, we had a fabulous turnout at the River Ayr Way Ultra and relay.
In the main race, David McLure took the win in 5:34:48 with Josh Raeburn finishing 3rd in 6:00:01
and Graeme Quinn completing in 4 th place in 6:11:42 – absolutely fantastic running from all of our
athletes and great to see 3 of the top 5 places filled by Harriers. We fielded an incredible 4 full
teams for the relay, and the first team home in 10 th place were ‘Baby Got Track’ made up of Kirsty
Mackay, Amanda Bryden and Thomas Samson in a time of 7:01:24. Our three other teams
‘Premature Acceleration’ (Louise Baillie, Ian Power and Pamela Kirkpatrick), ‘It Still Says
Unproductive’ (Paul Black, Douglas Steele and Lynne McCaffrey) and ‘Norfolk and Chance’ (Stephen
Vass, Robin Bourne and Catriona Hastings) all finished in 8:24:47 in 16 th , 17 th and 18 th places
respectively – great teamwork and a huge effort from all!

Also on the 9 th , Jacqui Sandler continued her great run of form at the Kyles 10 Miles race, finishing
78 th overall and 6 th FV50 in 1:29:39 – well done Jacqui.

On Sunday the 10 th , Jonathon Downey was on international duties, representing Scotland at the U20
Junior Hill Running International in Peebles. Jonathon had an incredible run to take the silver medal
individually, and also gold as part of the winning Scotland squad. Huge congratulations to Jonathon
and his coaches and support team for an excellent and well-deserved result.

A little further south, Colin Anderson was our sole contender at this year’s Great North Run. Despite
challenging conditions he completed in a very credible 1:37:42 – well done Colin, great running!
Thursday the 14 th saw U20 athlete Katy Orr competing at the Scottish Disability Sports Senior
Championships at Grangemouth. Katy had an incredible day, taking silver medals in both the shot
put and 100m sprint. Huge congratulations to Katy and her coaching and support team, and we are
excited to see what comes next for this talented and hard-working athlete.

This Sunday (17 th ) saw the West District Half Marathon championships contested at the Dumfries
Half Marathon. We only had one Harrier representing on the day but Shaun Dunbar certainly made
it count, finishing 7 th overall and taking the V40 bronze medal in a new PB of 79:07:02.
New member Mark Henderson had his first ever race on Sunday, taking on the Dalkeith 10k trail
race. Clearly starting his racing career as he means to go on, Mark finished an excellent 5 th overall
and 3 rd senior man in 44:39. Brilliant racing Mark!

Also on Sunday we had Craig Ferguson and Roddy Pugh taking on the Merrick Hill race – full results
to follow in our next report!

We have now concluded the set events for our summer league championships and currently
Jonathon Downey tops the men’s table with 113 points while Craig Ferguson is in 2 nd with 107 and
Colin Anderson in 3 rd with 105 – it’s certainly close at the top! In the ladies table Amanda Bryden
currently holds top spot with 114, with Sasha I’Anson in 2 nd with 101 and Izzy Caufield in 3 rd with 93.
However, it is not all over yet! You still have time to submit (or complete) your best Parkrun, half
marathon or marathon (Parkrun and HM deadline 1/10/23 and marathon 29/10/23). Please send all
results to Jennifer via messenger or ASAP. Once all marathons have
concluded we will be able to announce our summer winners.

Going forward into the winter, we have XC trials on the 26 th at the Kay Park (speak to your captains
for further details) and then the first event is the West Relays on the 5 th of October (names by the
19 th please). There will be a further announcement made about the winter championships with
regards events and point structure in the coming weeks but for avoidance of doubt ALL of the XC
events will be included alongside the National 4/6 stage relays and the Scallys – we will confirm all
events shortly.
