Senior Athlete’s Athlete Award 2022/23

Kilmarnock Harriers Senior Athlete’s Athlete of the Year 2022/23

Ahead of our annual awards night on the 31st March (buy tickets here) we are excited to announce our inaugural Athlete’s Athlete of the Year award.  Taking inspiration from other sports, we felt that it would be a great idea to recognise the senior athlete who has made the biggest impact on their peers in the last year.  Maybe you take inspiration from someone who has had personal successes this season, perhaps you admire the determination of a teammate, or maybe there is an athlete in the club that you feel goes the extra mile to encourage and drive their fellow runners on at events – basically we are looking for someone who is a fantastic representative for the club at training and events, that person who automatically comes to mind when you think about what it means to be a Kilmarnock Harrier.

We would love for you to nominate YOUR senior athlete of the year and give us some reasons why you think they deserve this award.   Nominations will close Friday 10th March so don’t hang around!

Nominate your Athlete of the year HERE
