Scottish Masters Races

Entries will be sent in just over a week (12/01) for the SVCH Road Relays and the National Masters Cross Country.

The relays take place in Strathclyde Park on Sunday 27th January. This is open to anyone over 35 and a member of Scottish Athletics. The cost is £7.50 per athlete and is teams of 3 women and 4 men. If you would like to race then DOB, SA number and payment are required by next week.

The Cross Country takes place on Saturday 2nd February and is in Hawick this year. A bit of a journey from Ayrshire but always a good experience racing somewhere new and different. This is open to anyone over 40 and a member of Scottish Athletics. Cost for this is also £7,50 per athlete and again if you would like to race then DOB, SA number and payment are required by next week.

One of us should be at the club Tuesday and Thursday next week for further information or for payment. Bank transfers can also be done for payment if required.

Thanks to those who have already given names for either event, hoping to get plenty more!!!

Club Captains
