Roon the Toon 2019 – Help Required

Hi All, we are nearing the point of closing entries for the Roon the Toon 10K at 1500 entrants, and it is shaping up to be a great event. Back this year are the Scottish Championship 10K Wheelchair race and the 10K Stroller Roll. In the main race we have attracted a few elite runners and I think we are in for a highly competitive race. We also hope to see some great competition,  though not quite at the same level, in both the Schools and the Sports Club Challenges. The winners of these will receive £500 for their respective school / club.

New this year is the Post Race Party, courtesy of the Park Hotel, where all finishers will receive a free pint / glass of Prosecco / fruit juice with an optional buffet.

All we now need to do is deliver it!

To do that we will need a large number of helpers, so if you are not running the event (and so far 71 club members are!) then we really need your support to help out on the day.

The junior section have stepped up to the plate by volunteering to manage the distribution of goodies at the finish and their  coaches will be recruiting for this task.

Volunteers (adult members, junior section parents or their friends / family) are required for a variety of roles from car park attendants, through to start / finish controllers to race marshals. All you need is to be available to attend the AAA on Friday 8th June from 7 to 8 for briefing / preparation (alternative arrangements are possible) and then on the day from approx 9.30 till 12. I promise you will enjoy the experience. All volunteers will receive a voucher for the Post Race Party where they will also receive a free drink and will qualify for the buffet discount.

If you can help,  then please let me know by email here – Ian Gebbie  or via the club Facebook page, or by contacting myself or Matt Dodds directly.

It is going to be a great event for the club and the town. Be part of it!
