Roon the Country and Roon the Toon

Roon the Country

Sunday 20th January sees us hosting Roon the Country, our open cross country races at the AAA. Previously these were always run in November but because of fixture congestion and a gap in the cross country program leading up to the Nationals, we thought we would try the new date. Let’s ensure we have big attendance from the club. All the details are here –

NB: this year the races are being generously sponsored by BKM Plumbing and Heating Services of Mauchline

NNB: to make the event a success we need volunteers to help with course set up, admin, marshaling and catering. Please drop me a note here if you are able to help – Ian Gebbie

Roon the Toon

Entries for the 2019 event are now open at As in previous years we are keen to build up a head of steam with lots of early entries so please sign up asap. As before any club member is guaranteed a full refund if they are unable to run, provided they have entered by end February. This year there is also the added incentive that it is £2 cheaper if you are one of the Early Birds.

We would like to make this year’s event a record attendance and are looking at ways we can improve our offering. If you think you would be able to help with ideas or if you have any experience in marketing, we would love to hear from you. Your commitment would be limited to whatever you were happy with. You can get in touch here Ian Gebbie  or have a word me, Matt Dodds or Alasdair Murray on a club night.
