Return to Training

The Scottish Government have updated their framework to a return to the new normal. As part of this, scottishathletics and sportscotland have liaised with the government to understand what this means to sports clubs across the country. This is still being finalised and the club will update all members of changes as soon as they happen.

The recent update from the government means that we can start to deliver some activity to our young members, up to 17 years old. If you are 17 years old or younger, you can start attending sessions from Monday 15th March. At the time of writing, it looks like it will be after 26th April for all adult members coming back to organised sport.

Unfortunately, members who stay outside East Ayrshire cannot return to training until 26th April, when it is intended that we return to the tiered system.

All the restrictions that were in place before the current lockdown was announced are still in place. Full details and document can be found here

Key points:

  1. No vehicle access to the turning circle, drop off and pick up in car park
  2. No spectators or parents within the venue
  3. One way system is in operation for all athletes
  4. Athletes have been allocated a meeting place around the track, athletes report and leave their kit at this point.
  5. Physical distancing is in place before any training starts and once training has finished
  6. No toilet or indoor access, please ensure you go to the toilet before leaving home
  7. No access to the store or the stand on the home straight
  8. No shelter in foul weather, please dress appropriately for conditions

As we have said, if and when the restrictions change or are updated, we will update all members. It is hoped that we will be able to offer full training to all members before 26th April, but at present, this is the date we are working towards.

If you have any questions, please email

