Return of Training

Kilmarnock Harriers are pleased to announce the return of training for members. It has been over four months since the lock-down stopped all activity for our members.

As you may have seen on social media, we are restarting training week beginning Monday 3rd August.

Unfortunately, at this time the disability session on a Wednesday evening cannot take place. This is due to no indoor access for anyone at present. This will be reviews#ed as restrictions ease.

Given the current situation with Covid 19, we have a number of restrictions and guidance for our membership.

  • Reduced ratios (1:4, 1:8 and 1:10)*
  • Registration on club nights (Register with personal coach, not in the arena)
  • One-way system on arrival and when moving about the arena
  • Social distancing for certain age groups
  • No toilets facilities
  • No indoor access
  • There will be no shelter available at the centre for inclement weather, the stand will not be used.

There are a number of other restrictions, which are detailed in the document attached to this news story. The club would ask all parents, guardians and members to read these before they attend their first session at the club.

The Under 11 (Red Group) on a Monday and Wednesday will start at 6pm and finish at 7pm. This is a major change and all athletes who are coached by James Adams and his assistants should note this change. This is temporary and will revert back to the normal club times when possible.

The club have drawn up a site map, which gives details of drop off, group meeting points, sanitiser stations, equipment storage and general movement at the arena. This map is to help with the smooth running of the athletics club and training sessions.

All road running and senior athletes should make their way to the Scott Ellis car park area and meet.

We would draw your attention to the one-way set up in the car park, we would encourage all parents not to park at the arena, but use the car park one-way as a drop off and pick up point.  There will be no access beyond the gates for parents/ guardians, this is to reduce any potential congestion within the arena.

Please see, click on the links below


KHAC COVID – 19 Parents Information

KHAC Training Plan

Site Plan

KHAC Covid Exit Plan (2)
