
George Cummings 

All those seniors who are racing on Saturday at George Cummings road relays at Houston on Saturday could you please be there for 1.15pm. This is to allow for teams to be entered and so that first leg runners can warm up.

Ayrshire Cross Country Relays 

This year’s Ayrshire cross country relays will take place on Saturday 19th October at Kilmarnock. If any under 20’s and seniors would like to run could you please pass your name to Kara Tait or James Wales by Tuesday 15th October. Money will be collected on the day.

National Cross Country Relays

This year’s National cross country relays will take place on Saturday 26th October at Cumbernauld. If any under 20’s and seniors would like to run please could you pass your name and money to Kara Tait or James Wales by Friday 4th October. Entry has still to be confirmed  so £4.50 will be taken and athletes will receive change if necessary.

If your name and money isn’t handed to the captains by the deadline then you wont be entered. 

Kara and James

