Following a very limited response from our Facebook page, i will post on here to hopefully get a more postive response
We urgently need volunteers to come foward to help the smooth running off the club, if our juniors are to compete in the forth coming winter season and beyond then help is required. Looking ahead we hope to entry 2 leagues next summer the CSSL and the YDL in doing this we will offer more opportunities for all athletes ( The CSSL league is for Under 11 all the way to Masters )
Eddie recently put an up date off how the club is progressing but his requests for volunteers has not meet with the response we hoped for as stated we are not asking for a lot but if more came forward we can spread the load more evenly and continue to grow as a club
Please see details off on our chairman’s recent article on the website Any questions or queries you can ask myself or any committee member direct.
Our waiting list contains over ONE HUNDRED JUNIORS when you include the under 9 s