Irvine 5 Miler Sees Podium Places.

SUCCESS IN IRVINE 5 MILER FOR KILLIE HARRIERS On Sunday morning, Irvine Running Club hosted their popular, and annual, 5 mile road race and in the latest instalment of the Kilmarnock Harriers Road Racing Championship for 2016 there was the usual high number of blue and white vests in the…

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Senior Summer Championship Update

The latest, and first ‘long’ race of the Summer Champs, Girvan Half Marathon took place on Sunday. This was also an Ayrshire Championship race, 6 Killie Harrier men took part, but unfortunately we had no women racing this year, this is disappointing, but hopefully more women will be taking part in…

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Scottish Championships Entries

REMINDER Closing dates for Scottish Championships this year are, U17’s and Seniors 24th July. U13’s and U15’s 31st July. Athletes are advised to enter asap, as some events have limited places.  You have been warned!!  

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NATIONAL MEDALS FOR KILMARNOCK QUARTET Aberdeen was the setting for this year’s Scottish Masters Championships and four Kilmarnock athletes made the 350 mile round trip to the North East of Scotland to take part. Despite heavy downpours back home, the sun was out at the Aberdeen Sports Village as Anna…

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Kilmarnock Town Centre Summer Programme

Kilmarnock’s first ever town centre summer programme is running for 4 weeks for 5-12 year olds on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11am to 1pm, commencing on Tuesday 5th July 2016. Come along and take part in a dry and wet programme at Kilmarnock Cross and Burns Mall. The programme…

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Mums on the Run

The Athletics Arena have asked if we could advertise their Mums on the Run class which takes place every Monday at 9:30 to 10am. It is worth mentioning that the Tots Run Jump and Throw class (3-5yrs) is on at roughly the same time (9:15-10am). More details are on the…

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Unpaid Club Membership Fees

Thanks to all who have paid their 2016/17 membership subscriptions.  We now have 380 paid members with 20 more attending a recent induction meeting and starting to eat into the membership waiting list. We appreciate that some have encountered difficulties when using the SubsOnline website so thanks for persevering.  Overall…

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10 more PBs for U17s

After the clubs fantastic results on Sunday from the YDL, the U17s gave an astounding performance to add another 10PBs on the day at the AAA in the Challenge Cup.  This gives the Harriers a grand total of 38PBs on Sunday.  Times and distances are still being confirmed, however results can be…

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Latest Summer Championship Points

The Road Running Summer Championships have received a little shake-up following the West Districts 10km Championships on Friday, with Kirsteen Salisbury leapfrogging to the top of the Women’s standings, closely followed by Doreen Wales and Stephanie Dale, with a mere two points separating the top 3!  In the Men’s Championship…

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