YDL_2019_LAG Scotland D2 M2_U17 T&F 2019 Div2 Results-Match 2_Yesterday saw the 2nd of 3 YDL meets again held at the AAA, and again the young Harriers did the club proud by once again WINNING . HUGE well done to each and everyone of the young athletes who ALL performed brilliantly…

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Quarterly Awards Presentation

The presentation for the quarterly awards will be held on Monday 20th May for the winners to be announced for the ‘Big Thank you’ and the ‘Harriers Hero’ awards. If everyone can please gather pre training in the main hall for the announcement of the winners. Thank you.

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Roon the Toon 2019 – Help Required

Hi All, we are nearing the point of closing entries for the Roon the Toon 10K at 1500 entrants, and it is shaping up to be a great event. Back this year are the Scottish Championship 10K Wheelchair race and the 10K Stroller Roll. In the main race we have…

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The team for this Sundays YDL team has been posted on the team page of the Harriers Team App. I will try and speak to every athlete this week but with over 60 kids in the team this might not prove possible. So if for any reason you are NOT…

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YOUR CLUB Kilmarnocķ Harriers & AC

On the back of a hugely successful last few days for the club with excellent performances in both the London and Stirling marathons great success at the Ayrshire 5km road champs ,and the juniors winning the first match inthe YDL all is looking very good But as Donald McIntosh post…

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U17 T&F 2019 Div2 Results-Match 1_LAG YDL_2019_Scotland D2_HUGE congratulations to ALL the junior Harriers who competed in yesterday’s meet, and really pleased to announce that BOTH the Under 13 / 15 team and the Under 17 finished FIRST There were some tremendous performances both on the track and in the…

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